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*This is a guide to the legacy version of the Workspace page, which will soon be retired from Content Hub. To learn more about the new version of the Workspace page, click here.

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Workspaces functions as your own personal drive within a project, which provides user functionality such as temporary storage, file staging, file submission to Delivery to Netflix page, and collaboration with others via file sharing. 

Workspaces are granted per project and per user. Therefore, visibility and access into a Workspace is limited to the user it belongs to. No one else can access or view a users Workspace unless the user shares a file or folder (or multiple) with another user. 

From Workspace, you can access files that you have directly uploaded and/or access files which have been shared with you by others on a project. To help distinguish between the two, Workspace is divided into two sections: My Workspace & Workspace Shares.  My Workspace is where a user can upload files directly (and access them later), while Workspace Shares is where a user can access files or folders that have been shared with them.


Figure A

Workspace is NOT a long-term archive solution. An upload to Workspace alone does not equate to having met the archival delivery requirements.

Finding Workspace

Move your cursor to the left hand side of the page to reveal the sidebar navigation. Here you will find Workspace. Click on Workspace to be taken to a new page.


Figure B

*Note - depending on your access, you may see more or less pages in your left-hand sidebar navigation than is shown in Figure B and that is to be expected.

Uploading to Workspace

Click on the blue Upload button.


Figure C

A pop-up will appear. Here you can drag and drop or select your files to upload.


Figure D

Here you can drag and drop or select your files to upload.


Figure E

Once selected, the upload will begin.


Figure F

*Note: upload will require the latest version of Aspera Connect is installed to the machine from which you are uploading.


File Sharing in Workspace

When sharing a file or folder with another user, the sharee will have access to the files within their Workspace Shares.

To share files, select the files you wish to share, then click the Share icon which populated in the blue banner at the bottom of the screen.


Figure G

You can also hover over the row of a file to reveal some action items, including Share.


Figure H

Once the Share Settings modal populates, enter the email address of the person you wish to share the file or files with. If you wish to share with more than one person, you may enter multiple emails.


Figure I

Before sharing, you have the options to grant the sharee certain permissions regarding the files you are sharing.


Figure J

  • Can Share = Allow the sharee to share the files or files with others
  • Can Update = Allow the sharee to make changes to the file or files (ie change the filename, submit to the Delivery to Netflix page, and delete)
  • Expiration date = Sets a specific date on which the sharee will no longer have access to the shared files.

You also have the option to share pertinent information regarding the file share by typing a message in the notes field. The message will pass through in the email notification which is sent after the share is complete.

*Note - When sharing files, the sharee will automatically be granted the ability to download the files. This cannot be disabled.


To modify the permissions or to revoke all access of a shared file, hover over the desired file and a few icons will populate on the right hand side of the. Then click the “i” icon for Metadata.


Figure K

This will open a sidebar with two tabs. Click into the Users tab with the person icon. From here, you can click the three dot menu to reveal options to Edit or Revoke Access to this file from a particular sharee.


Figure L

Submitting to "Delivery to Netflix" page from Workspaces

You have the option to submit deliverables to the "Delivery to Netflix" page directly from Workspaces. Once a file or files have been uploaded to Workspaces, you can select any you wish to submit, which will highlight the selection blue. Then then click the Submit icon as seen in the blue bar at the bottom of the page. 


Figure M

Then, in the bottom left of the screen, a selector of requests from the Delivery to Netflix page will populate. Let us say for this example, we would like to submit the WAV files to a music deliverable request for this project. Select the deliverable request as seen in the screenshot below then click Submit in the bottom right. The file will then be submitted to the request as if it was uploaded directly to the Delivery to Netflix page.


Figure N

If you are submitting to a request on the Delivery to Netflix page that is in a Redelivery state you will have the option to clear any existing files before submitting new files. Once you have selected which deliverable request to submit files for, you will see an additional  "Clear existing files?" toggle. Click the toggle on and the files will be cleared once you click Submit again. 


Figure O

Drag and Drop Functionality in Workspace

  • Move files or folders between existing folders in your workspace.
  • Create a new folder and move files into it.
  • Move files from within a folder to the root of your workspace.
  • When moving files or folders, your changes will be reflected in shared folders.
  • Select multiple files and folders and move them.

Sort Functionality in Workspace

  • You may sort your workspace by clicking the column headers. After sorting a column, the sort order will be maintained when opening additional folders and you will see an arrow indicator next to the column header, which will indicate ascending or descending sort order.  
  • A column with opposing arrows is sortable.



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