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To access Content Hub for the first time you will need the following:

  • Chrome Browser
  • Aspera Connect (Latest version recommended)
  • Onboarded to a project by Netflix
  • If using a Google Chromebook, you will not be able to upload or download assets since Aspera Connect cannot be installed.

Once you have all of the above, please start by visiting: 

Please be sure to use the same e-mail that you received a notification from of on boarding to a project.

No projects available the first time on login:

Please reach out to your Netflix Contact to ensure you have been onboarded properly and are using the correct account.

Opening a project for the first time:

When Aspera Connect launches for the first time, be sure to both allow the application to open when prompted. You can have the prompt remember to always allow Aspera Connect to open.


When Uploading or Downloading:

Allow the connections to transfer when trying to upload or download. You can have Aspera Connect always remember to allow the connection.


Denying or cancelling the prompt will result in not allowing the connection to transfer to Content Hub and you will be met with an error.

Related Article:

What are Netflix's Aspera IP Addresses and Port Ranges?

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