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Netflix Credit Incorporation Guidelines

This guideline details the options for incorporating a Netflix credit into the title sequence for Netflix content that will play on service. The Netflix credit language differs by content type. The Netflix Creative team will help the Producers determine how best to present a Netflix credit.

For non-English language projects, please consult with your Netflix Post Production Executive to confirm if the Netflix credit should be in the native language of the project or in English. For approved translations, see this document and reference the "In Title Credits Only" tab.

As detailed in the Post Production Branded Delivery Specifications, the primary asset must consist of the feature program with one (1) second of black and silence at the head and tail of the program. Please consider this when implementing a Netflix credit.


Netflix Credit by Content Type

A Netflix Series
Use “A Netflix Series” for scripted series, comedy series, competition series, reality series, animated series, anime series, limited series and interactive series.

A Netflix Documentary Series
Use “A Netflix Documentary Series” for documentary series.

A Netflix Sports Series
Use "A Netflix Sports Series" for sports series.

A Netflix Documentary
Use “A Netflix Documentary” for standalone documentaries.

Netflix Presents
Use “Netflix Presents” for feature films, animated feature films, anime feature films and interactive feature films.

A Netflix Comedy Special
Use “A Netflix Comedy Special ” for comedy specials.

A Netflix Special
Use “A Netflix Special” for specials.

A Netflix Competition Series

Use "A Netflix Competition Series" for competitions.

If you find the above doesn’t cover a specific title’s need, please discuss with your Netflix Post Production Executive.


Netflix Credit Integration Options

Option #1 — Integrate Into Title Sequence
The Netflix credit is added to the main title sequence itself. The font and size of the Netflix credit must match the surrounding text in the title sequence, and should be on-screen for the same amount of time as other credits. For this option, the Netflix credit should be the first on-screen text in the title sequence.

Option #2 — Separate Card
The Netflix credit is presented as a separate card preceding the main title sequence. This can be over black or over action.


Example of Option #1 / Integrate Into Title Sequence


“Hit & Run”

Example of Option #2 / Separate Card







Español (España)

Español (Latinoamérica)











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