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This document serves as a home base for documentation related to using iPad Pros for remote color reviews. For determining a color review workflow for a specific title, please reach out to your Netflix Representative.


Settings & Configuration

These documents cover how to generally configure an iPad Pro’s settings for the purpose of color reviews.

For Those Configuring the iPad Pros

iPad Pro - Configuring Display & Brightness (Gen 5 - Gen 7)

Reference for configuring display-related settings on an iPad Pro (Gen 5 - Gen 7) for color review purposes.

iPad Pro - Configuring Display & Brightness (Gen 2 - Gen 4)

Reference for configuring display-related settings on an iPad Pro (Gen 2 - Gen 4) for color review purposes.

Security Settings

Reference for configuring security-related settings on an iPad Pro that will be used for storing Netflix content.


Rendering & Reviewing

These documents cover how to properly render videos for color reviews on iPad Pros, and how to play them back properly on the iPad Pros. If you are using a real-time / cloud-streaming solution to review color, please ignore this section.

For Post Facility

iPad Pro - Deliverables for Color Reviews

Acceptable video formats / color encoding that are supported on the iPad Pro, including how to verify they are correct. Includes SDR & HDR options.

For iPad Pro Users

iPad Pro - Playback in Apple Files

Step-by-step instructions to save and play files in Apple Files


Change Log


  • Added Gen 7 to Configuring Display and Brightness guidance. 


  • Updated Configuration & Display guide for iPad Pro Gen 5 - Gen 6.
    • Recommending new Reference Mode, introduced in iPadOS 16, to automatically
      establish all display settings.
    • Added guidance for Fine Tune Calibration.


  • Added Configuration & Display guide for iPad Pro (Gen 2 - Gen4) & iPad Pro (Gen 5).


  • Initial Publishing Date
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