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We have introduced a new asset inspection (ANALYZER-Audio-LanguageIncorrect) to Backlot's Inspection as a Service (IaaS) workflow. The goal of this new inspection is to automatically detect when a dub file has been delivered in the wrong language. This will reduce the frequency of Incorrect Audio - Language errors being flagged downstream in manual QC allowing us to identify and fix critical issues sooner.

This inspection will apply to Secondary Audio source requests in Backlot and compares the expected language of the source request with a waveform analysis of the actual secondary audio (dub) deliverable to detect if the spoken language is accurate or not. 


This is currently supported for English, Spanish, Japanese, French (fr), Brazilian Portuguese (pt-BR), Italian, German, and Polish. Detection capabilities for additional languages and dialects will be available in the future.  

If you have any questions, please SUBMIT A REQUEST.
