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Please be aware that the Q1 TTSG update cycle has now taken place with the following edits made to style guides. This is a summary of the changes. For more details, please refer to the change logs on the actual articles themselves.

We are aware that there is currently an issue with correctly displaying music notes in the TTSGs. If you see ♪ in the TTSG, please use a standard single quaver/music note as standard. We are working to resolve this problem.



Rules have been expanded covering foreign words and italics, new reference links have been added.


The continuity section has been edited to clarify rules around ellipsis use mid-sentence.

Episode titles

This document has been edited to remove distinctions between Korean and non-Korean content. Please follow the same approach, regardless of where the content originates.


Minor edits have been made to the special instructions and songs sections.



Extensive edits have been made across this TTSG, including abbreviations, continuity, on-screen text, italics, numbers, quotes, songs, SDH  and special instructions. Please refer to the article and its change log for more details.


Rule about episode titles adapted in accordance with the change to the episode title article mentioned above.


Extensive edits have been made across this TTSG, including abbreviations, continuity, documentary, on-screen text, italics, numbers, punctuation, quotes, songs/poetry, positioning, SDH, titles and special instructions. Please refer to the article and its change log for more details.
Note: Sections 11, 15 and 18 were further edited on 9th April to remove references to use of quotation marks in song titles. Please refer to section 11 when determining how to format song titles.

Portuguese (Brazil)

Edits made to the sections covering continuity, on-screen text, line treatment/breaks, numbers, titles, special instructions, references and accuracy.


Edits have been made to the introduction as well as sections covering character names, continuity and SDH.

Traditional Chinese

One minor edit has been made to the titles section.

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